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Alternative Medicine
founded on deep research and proven results

Meridian Grace, N.D.
MY NEWEST YOUTUBE: Fertility Challenges in a Toxic World
Rumble: Fertility Challenges in a Toxic World
Rumble: Turpentine, a long forgotten natural healing remedy
Tips and hacks in preparation for the flu season
Feminine Sacred Cycle Part 3 - relationship and meaning of seasonal cycles
Feminine Sacred Cycle Part 2 - impact of lifestyle on hormonal receptor sites
A brief introduction to the Feminine Sacred Cycle
Learn to make your own homeopathic remedy and support your body's healing
With friends talking about supporting our immune system.
Winter protocol: niacin, infra-red sauna and lymph massage. PLUS an update on high-dose melatonin.
Gathering at my home talking about a variety of topics addressing current challenges, and some talk about the use of melatonin.
Doctors Nunnally and Freeman talk about zirconia and a safer dental implant.
A short talk about child-bearing and bringing life into this world.
Pasteur or Bechamp- who was telling the truth about germs and viruses?
Working through fear and anxiety while heeding and watching everything going on around us these days.
Dr Rosensweet, Happy Hormones, Women's Health - things we can do.
The deleterious effects of electricity on health. BioGeometry. And other exciting energy modalities and insights about germ theory and fever.
Tips and sage advice for AUTUMN and the coming CEDAR FEVER season.
Polyvagal Theory and Stephen Porges’ work with Safe And Sound Therapy
Collapsing Polarity Workshop with Doctor Massey
Meridian displays peat-fiber bedding samples from Patrick Steensma
Alternative perspectives on understanding viruses and treating CVD19
Meridian interviews Patrick Steensma: the extraordinary benefits of peat-fiber in the production of bedding and fabric
Meridian and her walk in beauty honoring nature and healing traditions
Interview with Richard Massey on Ultraviolet Blood UBI Treatment - part 1
Ultraviolet Blood UBI Treatment - part 2
More information about Phase One of the CellCore Biosciences protocol, eg fulvic acid etc.
CellCore Biosciences - groundbreaking new protocol Meridian is offering her clients
Another small gathering where Meridian talks about her approach to the COVID 19 coronavirus event... and viruses in general.
Meridian hosts a small gathering to talk about health issues 1/25/20
Meridian teaches how we can muscle-test our own body for answers.
Mitochondria, the energy source for every function in the body.
Insights into Death and Dying gleaned from Coming Full Circle.
Homeopathy and the vital life force. Meridian shares new insights.
Spring, the season to wild harvest salads greens in your backyard.
Meridian discusses brain wave vibration and other techniques that have been used to address neurological issues.
Meridian's tips for the flue season. You don't have to go through all the drama.
Is Deuterium Depletion the new frontier for healing chronic disease?
Meridian chats with Phil Escott - how the Carnivore Diet can profoundly influence healing
Meridian talks about CIRS and also updates us on her venture into the Carnivore Diet
Meridian talks about and demonstrates the Therasage portable sauna
Meridian concludes her health hacking talk with a few more tips - Part 3
Meridian brings us more tips on hacking our health and healing - Part 2
Meridian discusses ways to hack our health for optimal healing - Part 1
Meridian talks to Steve Sedlmayr about deuterium-depleted Divinia Water - Apr 2018
Meridian Grace: Things you can do to help your mitochondria sustain energy and performance while enhancing your quality of life - Mar 2018
Dr. Meridian Grace, ND - Meridian talks about her favorite cutting edge detox program - Jan 2018
Dr. Richard Massey, MD - The Conscious Heart Knows the Way. Richard Massey gives an enlightening presentation with Q&A to Austin Consciousness Explorers (ACE) - Nov 2017
Dr. Richard Massey, MD - Our Heart Knows The Answer (Audio Track)- 2017
Dr.Meridian Grace, ND - Super Psychologist Dr. Mara Karpel, integrating the wisdom of the ancients with the most up-to-date medical technology.-2017
Dr. Richard Massey, MD - Dr. Massey discusses his Austin-based medical practice which is using unique and advanced concepts to promote full being healing.-2017
Dr. Richard Massey, MD - Dr. Massey discusses new medicine based on Consciousness Principals.-2017
Dr. Meridian Grace, ND and Dr. Richard Massey, MD- Thermo Bioscan and Infrared Regulation Thermometry-2017
Dr. Meridian Grace, ND - Understanding Cancer-2017
Dr. Meridian Grace, ND - How to survive cancer and building a healthier body-2017
Dr. Meridian Grace,ND - Feeling Your Best-2017
Dr. Meridian Grace, ND - Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) diet-2017
Dr. Meridian Grace, ND - Gut and Psychology Syndrome-2017
Dr. Meridian Grace, ND - The Stitch of Time Saves Nine- 2017
Dr. Richard Massey & Meridian Grace - Auto Immune Disease- 2017
Dr. Meridian Grace, ND - How to Perform an Enema at Home- 2017
Dr. Meridian Grace, ND - BRAIN GYM Part 2: Simple Brain Gym Exercises, Binaural Beats, Inner Smile, Six Healing Sounds-2017
Dr. Meridian Grace, ND - BRAIN GYM Part 1: Simple Brain Gym Exercises 2017
Dr. Richard Massey, MD - Family Biology-2017
Dr. Meridian Grace, ND - Spring Cleaning-2017
Dr. Richard Massey, MD - Our Bodies Tell The Truth- 2017
Dr. Richard Massey- Dry Blood, A Great Way To Track Your Health- 2017
Dr. Richard Massey – Bullying Our Way Through With a Bunch Of Drugs and Scalpels – February 23, 2012
Meridian Grace – Don’t Cleanse Until You Learn 4 Reactionary Modes For Detoxification
Meridian Grace - Don’t Cleanse Until You Learn The 4 Reactionary Modes For Detoxification
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A podcast by Justin Stellman
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